One of the many advantages of homeschooling is that we can be as flexible as we need with our schedule. The kids took a bit of a break while I prepared for finals. Now that I have much more time on my hands during my summer break, I can focus more on homeschooling. Today we began our "semester."
Today they learned about living vs nonliving. They categorized animals into different groups. I will make a game out of it this week.
I'm trying to make math more fun. We were unsuccessful with Right Start Math. So this year I'm ditching the curriculum and trying to just play with math. Today we learned about measuring.

We traced their outlines and measured them in inches, Jenga Blocks, square tiles, Mimi's feet, Bobo's feet, and my feet. Then we graphed the data. With this lesson, they took away the smaller the measure of the unit, the bigger the measurement. We will continue to explore measurement this week.
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