One of the most common arguments against homeschooling is that the kids won't get enough socialization. On the contrary, most homeschooled children have more opportunities to interact with their peers along with other age groups older and younger. They learn to be gentle with the little ones and sometimes it can lead to them mentoring. They get to speak to adults on the same level, while still being respectful.
There are so many opportunities to "socialize". Besides going to the park or museum, we joined a couple of co-ops. You should check to see what co-ops are in your area.
One co-op we joined is called The Kindness Co-op. We meet every other Thursday. Every week there is an activity geared towards nurturing the kindness.
This last week, we made bird feeders with pipe cleaners and cheerios. This is also good for helping with fine motor skills.

They also played the "Pass the Mouse" game. They get in a circle and take turns handing the "mouse" (beanbag) to the next person.

The kids get very excited about waiting the turn. It has taken a new creative twist, where they will pretend the mouse is telling them how she wants to be passed (slowly, fast, up in the air!).
The age range for this particular group is infant to seven. They all play very well together. My kids come home with new creative ideas for playtime.